Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The King and the Insignificant Pup

On my way to work
today, I picked up the Bible and read 2 Samuel 9.

And I swear, I almost cried...

But my mom was right next to me so I didn't.

The story I read was about King David. And I think the majority of us know David's close relationship to Jonathan, Saul's son. Where they should have become enemies, they became brothers.

Their friendship ends tragically when Jonathan dies at war, alongside his father, the enemy. But David makes a promise to bless the house of Jonathan, despite their ties to the evil King Saul.

Years later...

David remembers his promise and asks one of his men to find if there were still any living from the house of Jonathan.

And there was.

One man.

A crippled man.

Who could not walk.

What really got to me was what this man said when he appeared before David. Raggedy clothes and all. Clinging to his chair or crutches. Dirty from lack of water. And utterly ashamed before the man that had endured persecution from his ancestors.

Mephibosheth was standing before his King.

He was being noticed.

So hold on to your kleenex box...

Mephibosheth bowed down and said,

What is your servant, that you should notice...
a dead dog like me?”
I felt him this morning. And I wondered if I would have phrased it just like that. Would I have considered myself at exactly that level?

Because this morning, while I read this text, I did. I felt ashamed that for a moment I thought, " Wow, might that phrase have been a tad bit exagerated?"

But it wasn't.

He saw what he was.

DO we see what we are? Where we came from? What we were and could be if we leave Him behind?

The King came to meet him, he gave him riches, and shared his table with him everyday. The lowly pup, was now someone. He was the man that ate with the King. The man with the 20 houses and 1000 cattle. The man with 60 servants.

Are you willing to admit that you are a "dead dog"? Answer that in my comments. I am curious...


  1. glad to have you back ;). i've never really thought of myself as a dead dog; i think i've felt unworthy, filthy- to the point of saying that i felt like a leper. does it fall under the same category?

  2. Yes, it is nice to have you back Nadine.
    Well, I've never thought about it that way either, but I do feel unworthy. Guess that falls in the same catagory. :)
