Monday, May 23, 2011

The Wedding Blues. That is.... in my opinion

Yes, it's a time for celebrating
... or so the saying goes. Where the past stays in the past and the blooming future is the here and now. The day that starts off with hair salon visits and last-minute makeup applications. Where dresses and shawls become our main object of torture and the cake is all there is to look forward to. Hearts beating. Armpits gasping for air. Human ribcages constricted to the point of sure death by suffocation. There will be singing and laughing. Crying and wailing. Eating and gawking at any and all passersby.

But surely and most certainly, there will be begging.

Because as sure as the sun sets in the east, my heart will be secretly wishing this moment had not arrived. My heart will beg her to stay and have at least one more late-night chit chat about matters of the heart.

One more cruise down the lake... together as single sisters. And although we are both young, but grown adults, I'd like for us to tease and joke like old times for at least one more decade. As crazy as it sounds, I would put up with 5 more years of her wreckless roomate tendancies all for the sake of having more sister-to-sister moments.
But the day is almost here. The countdown has begun...

The day that my elder sister marries her childhood "enemy"/ now-apple of her eye- fiance.

From the moment she says her "I do", I will officially be second or third or fourth in her life. Selfish. I know. But understand. This is heart-breaking for me.

I am transporting to a different stage in my life. Not exactly sure why, but I feel this weird sensation in my bones that tells me... times are about to change in more ways than one. But in a good way. In a depressingly, new good way. Like when you are down to your last cupcake and a little girl asks to have it. You do nothing but say yes. It's sad, but for the greater good.

So now, I pray. I pray that she lives a fairytale romance. Not something perfect, but something real. Where heartfelt emotion lives in the air they breathe. Where her husband becomes more than a husband, but a prayer warrior. A romance led by  the One who designed romance, God.


  1. Dudette, You're pathetic. lol. But understandable. ;)

  2. I'm sure she appreciates the last cupcake.

  3. Well the big day has come and gone. Where's your next blog? And please darling don't make it depressing. Someday you'll all leave me behind too and then I'll be the one writing in my diary about all the fun we used to have and I'll be eating ice cream and cupcakes alone. Feel bad for me. Im feeling the losses already. :)
