Back to stressing over people's finances.
But I decided not to. As the responsible adult that I am, I am taking At least another 15 minutes. WOW. I am one daring individual. Improving, improving.
Anyway, In my last post, I talked about NYC.
But what I didn't really talk about was "standing out in NYC."
And I really should, becuase it's so important and pretty darn cool.
Being in the midst of millions of people, standing out is virtually impossible, right?
Think Again.
As I endured yet another jam packed day of workshop training, I decided to take a small break. So I walked out into the building's lobby. And two of my fellow tortured co-workers walked right out with me.
I overheard the following conversation: (Pay close attention ladies.)
Guy 1: " She is the type of girl you take to meet your parents. She's definitely not the girl you take to a bar. She's the girl you marry as soon as possible. Tell me, are ALL girls where you're from like her? Becuase I have seriously got to go."
Guy 2: "Uh ( a bit uncomfortable)... I don't know, I think so." (Co-worker stuttering)
Now, my point here, single ladies, is that you need to realize you are the girl that deserves to be shown off and respected.
You deserve to be singled out. You MUST stand out.
You are awesome and beautiful and so worth while.You are classy and funny and so darn adorable. The way you laugh without caring who's watching. The way you speak from the heart with out fear. The way you dress for yourself and also dress down. On days when you want to walk out with your old, ugly sweater. And still strut with confidence. The way your faith makes you calming and refreshing in a world thirsty for modesty and something real.
Yep, he will be one LUCKY guy...
This is really cool!