I felt as if I was looking at myself through a crystal ball. Walking around doing my thing. Here and there. And I enjoyed every second of it.
For those of you who don't know, I can be pretty embarrassing. I will do or say something to make even myself laugh at me. And hey, it keeps me busy. It keeps me entertained. Besides, it's great having the ability to make someone laugh., right?
So I went to a cafe to have some expensive lunch, since I Of course, forgot to pack a lunch. And after ordering my chicken Caesar salad, extra Caesar dressing and croutons, I chose a spot facing the window.
I love observing people. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't choose anthropology as a major in college. Anyway, I am staring at the window when I see a young specimen walk past and kind of stop to look directly at me. I thought: "Geez, I didn't even do my hair...!"
When all of a sudden, he smiles as if posing in front of a mirror and begins to fix his hair... Wait just a moment.
...He was looking at his own reflection.
Sad, truly, how people look right past you just to see themselves . How a lot of the times, being invisible brings perspective.
And I was definitely put into perspective. I began to think about my own invisibility and how God discovered me and looked my way. He looked at me. Not past me.
He said, "Wow, that girl at the other side of the window. What great plans I have for her. What great, awe-inspiring things she will do. And she doesn't even know it..."
And while God is sending me a lopsided grin, tinted in amazement and secrecy, I hope to look His way and notice that He is indeed looking at ME.
And in a world tainted with egoism and disappointment, I hope to smile back at Him and wave. Yes, wave and maybe even shout. "Hi, I see You! Thank you for noticing me. Thanks for realizing I'm sitting here eating an expensive salad. I knew I should've listened to that small voice inside of me that told me to go to the McDonald's dollar menu. But even in my own ignorance and lack of good judgement, you found me sitting here and stopped to smile and think wonderful things about me. Thank you!"
Yes, thank you!