There's an art to everything. Even negotiating discounts at car washes. I spent a good five minutes discussing with the human car washer why I really needed to pay a discounted price. I'm ashamed to say, I got it. Ashamed because I'm sure I paid half of what I should've. My car hasn't visited the Amazon rain forest or anything remotely close in severity, but I'm almost sure it has remnants of jungle residue.
Seriously. I could count with my ten fingers how many times I've actually washed it since its purchase three years ago. And what I mean by "I" is the automatic car wash machine that turns on after I insert my three dollar bills...
And I'm thinking: "if only I could get a car wash for my soul." Like a soul-scrubbing interior one. I wouldn't even try to get a discount. Really. Pinky promise...
I'd just pay full price like a good citizen of the United States of America. Honest.
Anyway, I pray that God cleans me everyday. Rids me of embarrassing moments, where I don't see my errors and point out someone else's.
That's He reminds me that I have to take the good and take the bad and just stay silent. Not negotiate for a better life.
Not always want to change my life into a perfect Version of what it should be like. But get messy and cry and breathe and enjoy every moment of bad or ugly. And simply grow and learn to love truly and wholly. And decide to forgive fully and without expecting anything in return.
Yes, let's please...