That is, if there's any time.
And believe me, all I wanted to do this past Tuesday was hit STOP on my life's virtual remote control and write a blog.
I witnessed a robbery at work!
I was interviewed by an FBI agent, who witnessed how terribly Ann I. Dee handles stress, which is by making a complete idiot of herself. I said the robber was wearing red. Somewhere. Not sure where. But I was absolutely certain I saw red.
Mr. Handsome FBI then asked: "What shoes was he wearing?" To which I replied:
"Oh, I'm not sure but he had to have been wearing sneakers. It's what would've gone with his outfit. You know, hoodie, jeans... sneakers."
Somebody should have shot me. But God does have mercy on us, pathetic creatures...
And for the sake of my reputation as a smart individual, I will stop right here.
My point is that living life on fast forward is not what will get us to a better tomorrow. To a better you. What we need is to live this moment. And every moment, as if it were our last. Learn from mistakes you make. And for the good of the Federal Bureau of Investigation: PLease, pLease, pleasE, pay attention to the small details and get them in order. You never know what's coming just around the corner.