Monday, February 1, 2016

Hallmark, All Things Lovely, and My OCD Tendencies


The season of Love has quickly approached and I've found myself plopped on my living room couch watching the "Countdown to Valentine's" on the Hallmark channel more than I'd like to admit. Yes, tissue box at hand. Full disclosure: I now cry at happy endings, people. 

And maybe it's a bit cliche and repetitive to watch so many hallmark movies and smile uncontrollably at every single perfect ending. It's entertaining and fun and believe it or not, actually pretty real. Although the endings could be slightly over-the-top happy, I think you get a pretty good combination of real life situations in every clip. How so? 2 things:

1. There is atleast one antagonist in every movie. My life has a couple of them.

2. A Hallmark-worthy moment comes from real-life people living real-life moments. I'm a dreamer, realist, and hopeless romantic (at heart): I've chosen to believe in love and happily ever after moments. In fact, I'm counting on my life switching gears into the romantic some day. 

I feel like I'm at a crossroads in life. I can choose to go left or right, but for now I'm standing pretty darn still. I have no idea what my next move will be and for some reason, I'm feeling okay about that. "It'll work out." There's a phrase that my OCD tendencies don't normally let me say. Be in control. Have a plan. That was my motto....

I've been having a hard time choosing between Starbuck's and Dunkin Donuts lately. And was pretty close to writing a pros vs cons list about it... But I didn't.

Because I'm okay. And whatever leftover anxiety I have creeping in because of my new "Let Go" attitude, Hallmark can help with. Okay, God will help with ;)

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