Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a Perfect Day to Get Lost Today

So, I received another inspirational text the other day, that I absolutely must share:

"It's a perfect day to get lost today." (Yes, Joanna, it was you)
Sound inspirational? Maybe, maybe not, but in the midst of all the chaos and rain of that day, I wished I could've simply escaped it all...if only by accident.

And coming from a person that gets lost ALOT... unintentionally, that is telling you something. That being lost sometimes means having the opportunity of finding your way back (or not). Of having the possibility of being found.

Making three left turns (instead of two) and ending up in front of the same person that gave you instructions on how to get home in the first place. Losing all sense of direction as soon as you hit your own alley (assuming you had any to begin with).

Then you know.
 You just know,
things can only get better.

Because after you visit a place 40 times, you know in time, you will learn to get there without a GPS.

...In time
In time...


  1. I wish i could get lost sometimes too. and occasionally i do. in a different world beside the one i reside in, but one i'd like to live in. maybe i'll share mine on my next blog post. thankfully, i can get around without a GPS. LOL! ;)

  2. :D ha lol (just saw this(: ]
    You should come pick me up one day and maybe we'll end up getting lost randomly in either Michigan or wisconsin xD
    ha. No worries We'll all get where we need to in time :D
