Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mexico, Bad Bugs, and A Road to Recovery

I'm currently swinging on a hammock. Under a palm tree.

With my dear friend, Janette. 

Ok, ok. Not exactly a hammock and not exactly under a palm tree.

But I can almost bet that there is a palm tree within walking distance. And this Mexican Home Depot swing acts like a hammock, in the most modern of ways.

Today's journey took us to visit Janette's grandma. Whom she had not seen in over 16 years.

Or maybe I should rephrase and call it Janette's journey. Becuase she was pretty nervous to finally see the woman who had spent her first 5 years by her side. Then she moved away and never saw her again. 

It was a privelege to observe their first reunion. Pretty darn cool. And I made pretty darn sure that I recorded the whole thing with my handy dandy iPad...

No, we did not expect her to ask her for her name. Or to immediately change the subject to what we wanted to eat on our next visit. I expected more raw emotion and a few more tears. But, we allreact differently   and show shock in different ways. 

I'm pretty sure Janette's Grandma is just now realizing exactly who was at her footstep this morning. 5 hours later. 

I'm grateful for being present. I'm glad to be a part of something so special and unforgettable. 

I'm grateful for Mexico's Wal Mart and their (expensive) sun bronzers. Because now I am one step closer to a tan.

And Janette and her grandma are a step closer to closure and maybe a beginning of something beautiful. 

P.S. I have yet again gotten a reaction to foreign mosquitos or possibly an insect a bit scarier. My leg is itchy, twice the size of what it once was, and I refuse to visit a doctor and get an injection of something the doctor will claim to be good for me.

Until next time, dear readers.... 

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