It's fifteen minutes to bed time and I figured I'd make good use of my time. Like any normal person, I meditate on the ongoings of the day right about now. And what better way to do that than letting my fingers do the typing instead of thinking random thoughts in all directions.
A few months ago, I started a tradition at work. Right at about 2pm, I sneak downstairs to our break room and pull out my pint of Edy's French silk slow churned ice cream. Spoon in hand, I dig the ice cream right out of the carton and eat. Just like that. Spoonful after spoonful, increasing my energy and happiness. It's truly a beautiful thing. And so it became my scheduled alone time.
As it came to pass, I was discovered by one of my co-workers, who went on to tell the rest of my coworkers. It's a sad thing, really. How quickly word travels. And how long a person can laugh at something so totally normal!
So naturally, I'm writing this on my blog as a form of confession that yes, I need help and two, I am not the least bit ashamed by being human. I'll soon be 28 years old and I eat ice cream straight from a carton. At work.
I find joy in the simplest of pleasures. I like Coach and Prada and wearing Classy suits. But really, I'm into candy and ice cream and burgers, just the same. I don't like pretentious people that don't eat cheeseburgers. Haha. I'll take that back. Not everyone that doesn't each cheeseburgers is pretentious. And not everyone has to like burgers.
Although, I think people that enjoy eating are the best of people. I feel connected to people that enjoy the foods I do. Lol.
I'm so glad the no white after Labor Day rule is over and done with.
Did I ever believe in unicorns?
I wonder what really happened to Amelia Earhart...
Enough said.
good night
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